Dr. Jonah Schrag provides experienced, compassionate and effective marriage and couples counseling in Bedford, New York, and serves as a divorce mediator.
When disagreements or fights come about in a marriage, it can be difficult to solve these problems without help. Solving these issues effectively often means breaking old patterns.
Dr. Schrag helps guide couples through these situations cooperatively and find middle ground again.
If couples are certain and determined divorce is the best course of action, divorce mediation will help them reach a fair settlement without undue stress on each other or their children.
If both parties are willing, many problems, disagreements or inequities in a relationship can be resolved with help.
When a gap cannot be bridged and a divorce is the best option for everyone’s well-being, settling the situation in a timely, cost-effective and cooperative manner will create a safer environment for everyone.
Divorce is a difficult time for any family, taking its toll mentally, emotionally, and physically for adults and children. A contentious divorce is a negative situation for everyone, one which can have consequences later in life, especially for children.
A divorce mediator can help you reach a fair settlement and a compromise all parties can agree upon, without costly litigation and drawn-out emotional battles.
To strengthen your relationship and work through problems together, call for more information on marriage and couples counseling in Bedford, New York.
If you have determined divorce is your best option, enlist the help of a divorce mediator to settle the situation as easily as possible.