As responsibilities at work and at home build, many spouses may begin to grow apart and lose the connection that brought them together.
Others find persistent disagreements, fights, suspicion or inequity has damaged the relationship.
Couples and marriage therapy can help willing participants rediscover the bond that brought them together. If the situation at home has devolved to a level that is damaging to children and there is no longer common ground, divorce may be the best option.
Dr. Jonah Schrag is an experienced mediator for divorce, providing couples and marriage therapy in Somers, New York, to help couples reach a fair and even compromise best for everyone in the family, whether that is together or separately.
Divorce is a legal separation that can prove to be beneficial over time, providing a safer and more balanced home life for each adult and for children involved.
When divorces become a power struggle, a war zone of repetitive fights, or a tug-of-war that puts children in the middle, it is a harmful situation for everyone.
A mediator for divorce will help you resolve the separation in timely and cost-effective manner, putting emotions at the door in order to solve the problem.
A collaborative divorce, where both spouses reach an agreement instead of fighting a battle, is best for everyone, especially children.
Learn more about couples and marriage therapy in Somers, New York, and call to get a mediator for divorce to help you reach a fair settlement.